Learner Support and Engagement Service
The Learner Support and Engagement Service was established in December 2022 and works with both staff and learners to provide a high quality learning experience for all learners in Further Education and Training programmes.
Examples of how we work with and support learners:
- Consultations with student councils
- Conducting an annual FET learner survey, developed in partnership with learners
- Running learner competitions, e.g. for International Mother Language Day
- Compiling resources for learners
- Partnering with student councils and learner representatives on projects and events
- Providing training for student council members
- Providing International Student Identity Cards for learners on full-time programmes
- Advocating for learners
Examples of projects and initiatives we work on with staff in our FET centres
Collaborative development of:
- Publishing a bimonthly newsletter featuring articles from staff and learners in City of Dublin ETB that relate to learner supports, equality, diversity and inclusion and learner engagement
- Facilitating networking and workshop events for staff working in areas related to learner supports
- Facilitating training for staff
- Conducting annual surveys of FET learners and providing analytical reports to centres to inform planning
Examples of external agencies that we work with:
- Disability-led organisations, e.g. AsIAm, Irish Deaf Society
- We work closely with the National Learning Network who provide a Disability Support Service in our colleges of further education
Head of Learner Support & Engagement Service:
- Lorraine Downey, Adult Education Officer
- Garreth Tierney (ISIC, Student Council)
- John Poole (Language assessment, newsletter)
- Mary Stokes (RPL, Alumni programme)
- Sneha Sarcar (Learner Survey, Disability supports)
Contact us:
Or by emailing us directly : First name dot surname at cdetb dot ie