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City of Dublin ETB launches Centre of Excellence in Retrofit Skills Training
City of Dublin ETB is now offering NZEB courses to provide learners with a much sought after skill set in the construction industry. The courses are short and free, with online or face to face provision available.
Nearly Zero Energy Building (NZEB) courses train learners across a number of construction related disciplines to ensure buildings have a very high energy performance, which is increasingly relevant in the construction sector as buildings across Ireland, both domestic and non – domestic, are required to be built to new energy efficiency standards.
NZEB Centres of Excellence have been established in a number of ETB’s around the country and the courses in City of Dublin ETB are the first in a suite of courses that will be offered in our Centre of Excellence, based in Ballyfermot Training Centre. Following the development of the national network of centres of excellence in retrofit skills training, including NZEB skills, the number of workers availing of these opportunities has increased steadily from 793 in 2021 to 2034 in 2022, an increase of 156%.
Our Centre of Excellence will provide training in a number of areas of NZEB and Retrofit, including NZEB Fundamental Awareness, NZEB Retrofit, NZEB Ventilation, NZEB Site Supervisor, and Retrofit Insulation Skills.
Those in the sector interested in upskilling can find out more details by visiting or registering directly on FETCH Courses here.